
AUCMUN Society

Ahmet Ulusoy College Model United Nations Society's official blog.

13 Aralık 2009 Pazar

Great Mock Debate with the Yüce College and FLAUMUN

The AUCMUN Society organized a great mock debate with the participation of Yüce College and Faculty of Law Ankara University. We would like to thank all of participants for this wonderful mock debate.

23 Kasım 2009 Pazartesi

In the Aggregate 6 AWARDS in EuroAsia MUN Conference

We as AUCMUN Society participated in the Model UN conference of EuroAsia in TOBB University, in Ankara (20th-22th November, 2009). And AUCMUN Society got 5 Promising Delegate Awards and 1 Outstanding Delegate Award.
AUCMUN Society would like to thank all of participants and academic and organization team for this wonderful conference.

Our Outstanding Delegate Award:
Yasin Celal Güneş

Our Promising Delegate Awards:

Doğaçhan Dağı
Rumeysa Kalın
Berat Aydemir
Bilge Kağan Çevik
Muhammed Raşit Özmen

9 Ekim 2009 Cuma

Bylaws of AUCMUN Society

Click here to access the bylaws of Ahmet Ulusoy College Model United Nations Society

31 Mayıs 2009 Pazar

Muhammet Emre Akkas - The Candidate of Santa Monica College

The Founder Member of Dusunce Platformu
Muhammet Emre Akkas

AUCMUN Society

Added by Bekir Buğra Aydın

24 Nisan 2009 Cuma

Mock Debate with Faculty of Law, Ankara University MUN Society

The AUCMUN Society is going to organize a mockdebate with FLAUMUN Society.
This mockdebate is going to be on 24th April 2009, Friday, at 3.00 pm.
The Topic:
Methods to maintain peace in Caucasia with special focus upon conflict between Russian Federation and Georgia.

7 Nisan 2009 Salı

Themes of EUROsimA 2009

The European Council:

- Energy Security

- Common Security Policy (spesificly for terrorism)

The General Affairs Council:

- Energy Corridors

- EU-Third World Relations

The Telecommunication, Transportation and Energy Council:

- Renewable Energy

- Energy Efficiency

The Home and Justice Affairs Council:

- Combating Racism and Discrimination

- Free Movement of Persons (spesificly about capital and labour)

The European Parliament:

- Climate Change, How Will Europe Adopt New Measures until 2020

- More Globalized Europe (spesificly about education and culture)

5 Nisan 2009 Pazar

The Award Policy of EUROsimA 2009

The European Council (EC):
- The best speaker
- Two outstanding delegates

The General Affairs Council (GAC):
- The best speaker
- Two outstanding delegates

The Telecommunication, Transportation and Energy Council (TTEC):
- The best speaker
- Two outstanding delegates
The Home and Justice Affairs Council (HJAC):
- The best speaker
- Two outstanding delegates

The European Parliament (EP):
- The best group within the parliament that contributed intensively on the debates
- The best speaker
- Two outstanding delegates

General award:
- The most sympathetic (sociable and perhaps popular) delegate within the EUROsimA 2009 conference

AUCMUN Society is waiting the awards...Please delegates =)

26 Mart 2009 Perşembe

AUCMUN Society is going to participate in the conference of EUROsimA 2009

The Ahmet Ulusoy College Model United Nations Society - AUCMUN is going to participate in the conference of EUROsimA 2009 in Ankara. This conference will be at Middle East Technical University. And also Faculty of Law, Ankara University MUN Society - FLAUMUN is going to be there.

for more information about EUROsimA please click here:

Deadline for registration 29 March 2009
Deadline for sending the registration fee 03 April 2009
Deadline for sending the late registration 05 April 2009
Deadline for sending the late registration fee 10 April 2009
Announcement of council/country assignments 14 April 2009

20 Mart 2009 Cuma

MUNTR 2009 - Izmir - Photos

All delegations

AUCMUN Society in İzmir for MUNTR 2009

Dalai Lama came to UN conference for Independent Tibet

The Tower of Security Council

17 Mart 2009 Salı

Izmir MUNTR 2009 - Photos

/ Izmir / Turkey

Committee of Sustainable Development

Secretary General of MUNTR 2009
The Delegate of Syria - CSD

15 Mart 2009 Pazar

Izmir - MUNTR 2009 - Photos

for more photos or information --> visit :

AUCMUN Facebook Group
MUNTR Facebook Group
MUNTR Official Site
MUNTR'09 Facebook Group

The AUCMUN Society visited Indonesia Embassy

14 Mart 2009 Cumartesi

More information about MUNTR 2009 is coming soon...

More information about MUNTR 2009 is coming soon...
9-13 March - İzmir
International MUNTR Organization

6 Mart 2009 Cuma

25 Şubat 2009 Çarşamba

AUCMUN Syria Delegation visited Turkey Ambassador of Syria

Ahmet Ulusoy College Model United Nations Society
Delegation of Syria

İsmail Erencan Aydemir
Mehmet Emre Demiral Syria CSW
Enes İlyas Demirel Syria GA-4
Erhan Burak Aydın Syria GA-6
Yasin Celal Gunes Syria GA-3
Abdurrahman Erkam Ilhan Syria GA-1
Muhammed Raşit Ozmen Syria CSD

21 Şubat 2009 Cumartesi

Sample Position Paper / Örnek Pozisyon Kağıdı

Resme tıklayarak daha büyük olarak görüntüleyebilirsiniz.

7 Şubat 2009 Cumartesi


Furkan Tapsiz Indenosia GA-3
İsmail Erencan Aydemir Syria UNFCC
Mehmet Emre Demiral Syria CSW
Enes İlyas Demirel Syria GA-4
Erhan Burak Aydın Syria GA-6
Yasin Celal Gunes Syria GA-3
Taha Ozturk Indenosia GA-4
Melikşah Celikten Indenosia GA-1
Abdurrahman Erkam Ilhan Syria GA-1
Muhammed Raşit Ozmen Syria CSD

30 Ocak 2009 Cuma

Committees and Topics

Committees and Topics

Please keep in mind that both the Committees and Topics are subject to change. Please see the Resources section for the study guides.

Security Council
Future of Iraq: Unity or Federalism
Pakistan-Afghanistan Border: Efforts of Counter-terrorism

GA 1st Committee - Disarmament & International Security (DISEC)
International Piracy on the High Seas
Illegal Arms Trafficking to Ethic Minorities

GA 3rd Committee - Social, Humanitarian & Cultural (SOCHUM)
AIDS/HIV Prevention: Could the medicaments be a part of the solution?
Improving sex education, family planning and utilization of contraceptives in the developing world.

GA 4th Committee-Special Political and Decolonization (SPECPOL)
Privatization of War: Legal, Ethical and Economic Aspects
The Problems with Democratization

GA 6th Committee - Legal
Legality of Peacekeeping Operations
International Law of the Sea: Finding new regulations to prevent a Scramble for the Arctic

Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
Prostitution: Preventing the Sex Slavery in the 21st Century
Honor Killings

Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)
Bio-fuels: Solution to the Global Warming or a Problem for the Food Scarcity?
African Agriculture in the 21st Century

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC)
The future of global warming and the next round of negotiations